NLP Wellbeing Diploma 2017-11-21T12:41:08+00:00

NLP Wellbeing Diploma by INLPTA is a specialized qualification for professionals in Mental Health, Wellness and Nutrition Industry. It focuses on how you can use NLP techniques in your personal life, every day communication with your clients, business, coaching, and therapy in this specific area. The course content is designed to give you a broad knowledge of NLP and some useful skills and understandings that can be utilized in your everyday interactions.

It is the first step to the Art & Science of Personal excellence and Mind Re-Engineering Process and it forms the foundation for the NLP Practitioner course, which is required before or after the completion of the Diploma to gain a broader perspective of the learned skills.  We will introduce you to the path of a whole new way of thinking to become more flexible and resourceful.

Participants will learn:

  • To understand basic communication skills
  • How to build rapport with their clients and colleagues
  • How to build long-lasting trustful relationships
  • How to identify the Stage of Readiness of their client on the first appointment
  • To design well-formed outcomes
  • How to change client’s excuses into results
  • How to tap into positive emotions
  • To understand the way the client perceives him/herself and the barriers to their in-ability to change their wellbeing
  • To identify and work efficiently on client’s internal dialogue
  • To give a positive feedback to empower the client’s mental state
  • Calibration Skills & Sensory Acuity

Content Knowledge:

  • The Four Legs of NLP: Know in detail what your outcome is (and is not) | Have the sensory skills to know when you are achieving it | Have the flexibility to change your behavior until you get it | Act to get it
  • Presuppositions of NLP: Keys to personal development
  • The NLP Communication Model: The filters everyone has through which they perceive events | How an external event causes an internal representation | The effect of internal representations on our state, physiology and behavior
  • Rapport; how to build and improve relationship skills
  • Sensory Acuity: Fine tuning your senses to better understand the reactions of others (and yourself!)
  • Body Image: How is your client perceiving him/herself ? | How can Body Image affect the outcome of a client?
  • An Introduction to Sub – modalities: Understanding how changing the smallest details can make a huge impact
  • Well-formed Outcomes: Ensuring that what you think you want really is what you want
  • Language: The power of positive language: say what you want to happen, not what you don’t ! | Learn how the inner and outer talk of our clients (gremlin talk)
  • The Gut- Heart- Head Brains Axis: Learn the cutting edge of Neuroscience: how our three brains interact with each other. | Understand the reasons why a client may have a carefully designed action plan for change, yet still doesn’t act upon it or sabotage his goals, plans and dreams ? | Acknowledge why someone has difficulty making decisions or breaking bad habits without really knowing why?
  • Hydration and NLP: Learn how hydration affects the way your brains are working
  • Addictive Behaviors: Discover the addictive nature of dieting, extreme physical activity and restricting habits.
  • Diet Coaching: The TTM (TransTheoretical Model of Change) 2016 edition by Prochaska | Tame the Gremlin | The Diet Coaching Pathway™ for individuals and groups

To Whom It May Concern: Health Professionals (licensed professionals who hold a degree in Medicine, Nursing, Pharmaceutics etc), Mental Health Professionals (licensed professionals who hold a degree in Health, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Psychology, Psychotherapy etc), Nutritionists & Dietitians, Life Coaches, Health & Wellness Coaches

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